Substructure’s extensive background in marine corrosion control, marine rehabilitation, and hydrographic surveying make us a perfect partner for marina owners.
Applying our multidisciplinary capabilities, we perform complete assessments of marina facilities and infrastructure and design site-specific and customized corrosion-control systems. The corrosion-control technologies we use include cathodic protection, marine coatings, and epoxy encapsulation, as well as a combination of methods when appropriate. Importantly, Substructure is a global leader in reliable, long-lasting epoxy encapsulation, a technology that can extend the life of piles 20-50 years.
Additionally, Substructure performs hydrographic surveys, which are particularly beneficial to the marina industry. An accurate hydrographic survey of a dredged area, for instance, can provide data for determining volumes and the locations of the material removed, ensuring that money spent clearing channels, turning basins, and docking areas was spent wisely. High-resolution multibeam surveys also can be used in planning marine expansion, in predicting areas of shoaling, and in locating potential hazards to navigation.
To learn more about the services Substructure can provide for your marina, please contact us today.
Objective: Acquire bathymetric data to inform navigational safety concerns for the arrival of a National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) coastal mapping vessel.