Hydrographic and Structural Surveys
Substructure conducts both small- and large-scale hydrography and structural surveys to support a wide range of applications, including navigation safety and charting (bathymetry mapping), engineering planning and site characterization, environmental monitoring, habitat assessment, and marine construction project evaluation.
Substructure also conducts high-resolution engineering structural assessment hydrographic surveys for evaluation of specific marine and aquatic structures, such as dock and pier facilities, bridges, and dams. We have surveyed locations along the Eastern seaboard of the United States from Maine to Florida, in the Great Lakes, and at international sites from Ireland to Peru.
Substructure owns and operates its own survey vessels, including purpose-built survey vessel Orion which is widely-recognized as an industry-leading inshore hydrographic survey platform. Substructure maintains a large inventory of hydrographic equipment, including SONAR, optical, and laser hydrographic data sensors, as well as the precise vessel motion and positioning systems required for accurate swath data acquisition. Substructure also owns a wide array of the specialized data acquisition, processing, and visualization software needed to process and properly present the often complex hydro survey datasets.
Substructure is an industrial partner with the University of New Hampshire Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping (CCOM), a national center for expertise in ocean mapping and hydrographic sciences. Substructure has established a direct relationship with CCOM and has conducted several recent collaborative projects with various members of CCOM’s research and academic staff.
To learn more about Substructure’s unique approach to marine problem solving and to see how we can help your business, please contact us today.
Substructure has a strong hydrographic survey capability that includes a variety of techniques.
Substructure conducts structural surveys used to evaluate marine and aquatic structures.