Structural Surveys — Substructure

Structural Surveys

Structural Assessment of Bridge Pier for Maine DOT

As an enhancement to standard hydro survey procedures, Substructure also conducts high-resolution engineering structural assessment surveys that are used to evaluate marine and aquatic structures, including dock and pier facilities, bridges, dams, breakwaters and jetties, water intake structures, pipelines, and other underwater infrastructure. 

For these structural assessment surveys, standard hydrographic sensors are typically augmented with higher-resolution sensors, as well as video and still photography, long- and short-range laser scanning systems, and non-destructive testing techniques.

For many of the structural assessment surveys, the initial phase of the project entails acquiring high-resolution acoustic data (e.g., multibeam and side-scan SONAR) that will provide a broad-scale overview of the entire area of interest.  Based on a review of the broad-scale data and any other relevant information, a more-detailed survey will be conducted over specific areas of interest using some combination of higher-resolution optical, laser-scanning, or non-destructive survey techniques.  

These supplemental techniques are used to acquire specific higher-resolution data that are required to complete an engineering assessment of the structural components being examined.

Structural Survey Projects